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His Excellency assumed his role as the Minister of Oil, Government of Iraq on the 1. September 2. 01. 4. HE holds a BSC in Economics from the University of Baghdad 1. French equivalent to the Masters degree in Political science from the International Institute of Public Management, France Paris 1. The French equivalent to the Masters Degree in Economics, France 1. HE has an extensive career worked at the Regional Centre of Research, between 1. Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the third secretary, but dismissed by the previous regime due to political reasons. Between 1. 97. 3 1. Syria and Lebanon, worked at the National Institute of Arabic Development as the head of the department of Economics, then returned to France. Between May 2. 00. June 2. 01. 4 he became the alternate member for the late Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Hakeem in the Governing Council from May 2. June 2. 00. 4, he contributed in editing the Transitional Administrative Law TAL. HE contributed in developing the draft of both the Hydrocarbon Law and the Law of Financial Administration. Between June 2. 00. April 2. 00. 5 became the Minister of Finance, under his supervision, the first Iraq budget was prepared after decades, that was the 2. HE was the mastermind of Iraqs return to the International Monetary Fund, leading the negotiation team to successfully reduce 8. Iraqi external debt of 1. US dollars and the signature of the Paris Club agreement. Among a number of high profile posts, HE became the elected Deputy of the National Assembly in the first and second legislative sessions. HE was the Vice President of the Republic of Iraq 2. Re elected as Vice President of the Republic of Iraq 2. Resigned from Office on 2. May 2. 01. 1,his resignation was accepted by former President Talabani on 1. July 2. 01. 1. HE attended many ad hoc economic and political Iraqi, regional and international Conferences and Forums. HE published many articles and research papers and acted as a supervisor and editor in chief for many periodicals. HE was the author of many books and publications including the Inflation on the International level, 1. The Economic Encyclopaedia, 1. The Problematic of Islam and Modernity,2. Thoughts on the Iraqi and regional economies. Approaches of Socio Political Economic Orientations in Islam,2. Constants and Variables in the Economic History of Islamic Countries ,2. Arabic from French, which was originally his thesis which was not finalized. Translated many works and closely follows the development in oil economy and has many contributions in this field such as The Rentier State is a basic barrier that faces sustainable development in Iraq introduced at the Conference of the Iraqi Economists Network ,Beirut 2.