Libusb Get Serial Number
TEgEdxPtXN8ZQcCeiz7eA.png' alt='Libusb Get Serial Number' title='Libusb Get Serial Number' />Cheap USBASP knockoff programmer Jims Projects. Ive been using the Arduino ISP programmer sketch, an Arduino, and one of my mini shield cables as my AVR programmer for a couple of years now, and thats been pretty satisfactory. Theres always an Arduino around, it works, and its essentially free. I felt no need for a dedicated programmer. But when I ran across a USBASP knockoff on Ebay for 2. I couldnt resist. Unfortunately, it had the other Atmel standard programming cable the 1. Ham Radio Software on Centos Linux Configuring multitudes of Amateur HAM Radio software for Centos6 Centos5 Linux. These days for most people doing most things you want to get an dongle with an R820T2 tuner. Theyll come with MCX coaxial connectors. On sites like eBay shipping. This page is a guide aimed at helping anyone set up a cheap radio scanner based on the RTLSDR software defined radio as fast as possible on a Windows system. If you. libusb . MStack is a functional, welldocumented, free and open source USB stack library for Microchip PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, and PIC32 microcontrollers. Everything I have including Tiny. Fine the cable shouldnt be hard. The pinouts of the two connectors are readily available. But it turns out theres a really nice Inventable on making such a cable, complete with an excellent picture that tells just about everything you need to know. The author suggested using little scraps of wire to fill in the unused positions in the 1. Warning this pinout doesnt work with this programmer See update below. My programmer came with a 1. I think I cut one end off and reused the connector for the 1. Thats not a great idea, since the insulation displacement clips in those connectors are really designed for one time use. Adjustment Program Epson'>Adjustment Program Epson. But it was in keeping with the cheap programmer. And it works The 6 pin end is marked with whiteout on pin 1 as is my custom. But avrdude didnt like it. Unfortunately, the first time I tried to use it with avrdude, I got this error warning avrdude warning cannot set sck period. DGixmfqVKKoNHScUE32u8Q.png' alt='Libusb Get Serial Number' title='Libusb Get Serial Number' />
Fortunately, thats an eminently googleable string, and Google did not disappoint. Many thanks to this nice article by Roger Clark that told me everything I needed to know. The latest code comes directly from USBASP originator Thomas Fischls site thanks for the great work, Thomas. Im running usbasp. The critical not so obvious tidbit is that theres a jumper JP2 on mine that must be populated to reflash the ATMega. Iowa High School Softball Field Dimensions. A. Interestingly, you program it over the same connection that it uses to program its target chips. Of course you have to have an AVR programmer to program it. And I do My old standby did a fine job of retraining its replacement. Once that was done and the J2 jumper cut avrdude stopped complaining, and the programmer seemed to work just fine. I reburned a bootloader on an Arduino, and verified that I could check the signature on a Tiny. Great Not so great. Libusb Get Serial Number' title='Libusb Get Serial Number' />While I was working on a hacked version of grbl for the W8. Shapeoko 2, I threw the new programmer in my bag since I knew Id need it to burn grbl on the SO2s Uno. Grbl overwrites the bootloader, so every time you want to install a new version, you have to have a programmer. The grbl code is available as a hex file which you need a programmer to install. Its also available as a library that can be compiled and downloaded with the Arduino IDE. But that requires a bootloader, and you have to have a programmer to burn the bootloader. So you need a programmer no matter what. I pulled out my new toy, plugged it onto the ICSP header on the Uno and tried to burn a bootloader. Reinstall Microsoft Office 2007 With Product Key on this page. Fail. Couldnt even read the signature on the ATMega. P. WTH Fortunately I had another Arduino, and scrounged a programming cable from the first Thotcon badge stuff. That worked fine, so I was able to do the nights grbl work. But what was wrong with the programmer It was my cables fault See update. When I got home, I tried the USBASP clone on a couple of AVRs. It worked fine. Back to Google. Its a matter of speed. That sck referred to in the original error warning message is the SPI clock rate the programmer uses to clock data into its target. And if the speed is too high, some chips wont program as was apparently the case with the Uno but it wasnt the Unos fault. It turns out there are two ways to change that speed with USBASP. The first way is with yet another jumper on the programmer. On mine, its marked JP3. When that jumper is in place, the programmer runs with a much lower clock rate. It takes noticeably longer to program with it that way. But at least it works Later observation showed that jumper slows the clock from 1. MHz to 5. KHz. The other way is from the avrdude command line. The B bitclock option you know the one it thinks you meant when you screw up trying to set the b baudrate lets you specify it directly in sec. Avrdude gui avrdudess sets B to 0. MHz SPI clock and 2. KHz. Looks like USBASP only supports specific clock rates, and uses the one closest to what B requests. Anyway, after I put in a push pull switch for JP3 you can see it in the picture above and connected the pins, the programmer talked to the SO2s Uno fine. The slow clock jumper is not needed with a valid cable. See update. Im sufficiently sold that I bought a second one cost me 2. I can keep one in my box at W8. Now that I know about JP2 and JP3, have the latest firmware and know how to make the cable, it wont be hard to set it up as a reliable tool. Update Signal level warning While trying to set up the USBASP to support PDI to reflash the 3. V Xmega processor in my cool little 2. Xprotolab USB oscilloscope see update, I ran across this excellent post by Ketturi Fox. He warns that when you change the JP1 jumper from 5. V to 3. 3. V on a version of this programmer with Lcsoft Studio on the silk screen, it changes only the Vcc voltage on the output connector. It doesnt change Vcc to the processor chip on the programmer, so it still puts out 5. V logic levels out of spec for most 3. V chips My USBASP looks otherwise identical to his, so I looked at the SCK output level with JP1 set for 5 and 3. V. Sure enough, the output levels were 5. V either way though the Vcc voltages did follow the jumper as expected. In addition to patched code for USBASP and avrdude for PDI support, KF kindly provided a fairly simple fix to the output levels run the onboard proc from the JP1 output by removing a fuse, adding 2 air wires, and cutting one trace. I applied that fix to mine, retested the output voltage levels, and they now follow the 5. V3. 3. V jumper as they should have in the first place. Thanks, Ketturi So now my knockoff USBASP is even better. Hmm guess I better add that mod to the W8. Update W8. 8 version is slightly different. The new one arrived today and I did the mods. Although the top silkscreen said the same thing, the actual board layout was at least slightly different The trace feeding the regulator and the 5 side of the voltage select jumper that needs to be cut comes around the bottom edge of the board. Its circled in red. No biggie it just provides another opportunity to be righteously indignant about somebody changing something without changing the version number. The cutpatch circled in green was a mistake oops. Otherwise, the firmware update worked, the output signal levels as well as Vcc follow the jumper, I made up another 1. Update Corrected cable wiring. My original programmer with my original 1. Uno. It was my fault the cable pinout was bad. The very nice Inventables article chose to pick up GND from pin 4 on the 1. That doesnt work here, as theyve used pin 4 for something else. Heres the pinout I ended up with which picks up GND from pin 8 and works. Using pin 1. GND 8. After I made up a new cable with that pinout, it worked on the Uno at 1. MHz just fine. I still need to make up another cable with the correct pinout for the W8.