Creative Audigy 2 Zs Modded Drivers
Creative Audigy 2 ZS question. Quote. What do you prefer I prefer the PAX drivers as Ive always been using them. As we all know Creatives drivers suck. Time Stopper 4 Cracker. Im wondering what are the best updated yet modded drivers avaliable for a Audigy 2 ZS I want to upgrade them because games. D4AD6E56E77B56B' alt='Creative Audigy 2 Zs Modded Drivers' title='Creative Audigy 2 Zs Modded Drivers' />Never really looked into the others. Click to expand. It really depends on what one uses their soundcard. Given that right now I only have USB DACs, k. X is out of the question. I used an older version of PAX, but after an argument with the developer, I soon realized that it wasnt for me, or more specifically for my card. Overall, PAX is better for PCIPCIe cards that plan on gaming. X for audio only, but theyre not compatible with X Fi based cards, and Daniel Ks are alright, at least up until the point that he was hired by Creative, which was the time when I stopped following further developments from him. GraniteBay/_SoundCard_files/image004.jpg' alt='Creative Audigy 2 Zs Modded Drivers' title='Creative Audigy 2 Zs Modded Drivers' />Audigy 2 DriversSound Blaster Audigy 2 Zs Windows 10Audigy 2 ZS. Getting Started. drivers, application updates. Windows Vista and Windows XP support for Creative Sound Blaster Audigy series of audio devices. I seem to have misplaced my CD for installing my sound blaster audigy drivers. SoundBlaster Audigy Drivers. Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS review.